Security Engineering

Security Analysis and ConsultingSince 2006 Square Strategy has been providing its clients with high-level expertise for people and assets security in France and abroad (particularly in Africa and Latin America).

These missions consist of, for example:

Conducting risk analysis and drafting Security Plans as per French regulatory requirements applicable to key industrial operators.

Conducting risk analysis and drafting assessment and recommendations, crisis management plans, emergency plans, evacuation plans, etc. (particularly in countries with high security risks)

Project Management Assistance or Project Management for the deployment of security policies and/or security equipment on clients’ assets, building sites, for special events, etc.

Organization of awareness and training sessions on country security for expatriates and travelers posted or sent to high risks countries

Vetting of qualifications and compliance of local security partners


In Algeria, for a major international banking group, Square Strategy carried out a security analysis of its head office, 35 branches throughout the country and the residences of its local executives and expatriates.

Referring to the security audits and operational recommendations submitted to the client, a security policy and a set of procedures were drawn-up, a security investment plan was devised and a plan to raise security risks and good security practices awareness among managers and employees was launched.